
Really? A pickle jar?

I love using Mason jars and baby food jars for crafts, but I never considered the possibilities of a pickle jar. I buy 3 different types of pickles and my jars are almost empty so I was going to be tossing them over the next week as I finish off each of the pickles. Imagine my delight when I stumbled on this quite by accident. DIY projects using pickles jars. I am definitely doing some of these. Paint, labels, knobs, all simple things to make a unique jar.

I want to do these next ones to set on the wide spot of my tub so I can have a nice soothing bath with lit candles. Plus it goes great with my beach decor.

Not sure what they used for the base. I will have to investigate further.

These are not pickle jars, but spaghetti sauce jars. Which I buy a lot of. I love spaghetti.

I did worry a little bit about the smell, even if you wash them good will they still smell. Then I found this idea to get smells out of pickle jars. 

Looks like I'm good to go!


Breathing In Grace said...

What awesome ideas. I buy a lot of sweet pickles for the kiddos. I want to do some of the painted ones and tie at the top with jute for my spring shelf decorations. Thanks for doing the research. HOPE you have a great weekend....stay warm!

Dianna said...

What a fun post! Pickle jars are something that I don't have many of because I make and can my own pickles during the summer, but I do have other things that I buy in glass jars and have just been recycling or pitching them. I'm bookmarking this post to see what I can do with the next empty jars I have! Thanks so much for sharing!

Melanie said...

What a great idea! I'm always wishing I could think of things to do with glass jars. The idea of getting the pickle smell out is very useful!

Annie said...

What great ideas! And the lemon idea is great for the scent. I guess vinegar might also work. You made me want to try this now :).
I love the header on your blog too. So happy and cute!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Terri D said...

Do show us your finished projects! These are great ideas!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Great collection of jars. I like all your creations.

Aritha V. said...

I like your collection. Love it!

Have you ever read about this: https://www.toolshero.com/time-management/pickle-jar-theory/

betty-NZ said...

What a fabulous idea that you did so well!!