
How Great is Our God!

Let me just say.....OH WOW!  Monday was such a wonderful day. God has opened the doors of heaven and the blessings have poured down all day. Faith has come through again. We had two awesome church services on Sunday and at both services, I whispered a prayer and today, He has delivered. I am SOOOO blessed and SOOOO happy to give the glory to God from whom all blessings flow.

I also want to take the opportunity to wish my brother, Jack, a happy birthday today. I am just 2 1/2 years older than Jack, but I remember the day he came home from the hospital. I can even describe things that their are no pictures of and Mom says I'm right. He has been my buddy, my pal growing up. We would play cars and truck and marbles. But then I'd make him play house with me and Rachel. I love him with all my heart and hope he has a very wonderful birthday.

(The picture is a little blurry, but this was taken a couple of years ago)

Happy birthday, Jack


Linda said...

Happy Birthday to your Bubba!

I have a younger brother too, and the same things went on.

I played baseball, marbles, army...and just about everything he and his little guy friends played. He played school and house with me...we did everything together. (:>)

We have wonderful childhood memories!


Mamaw's Place said...

Thanks Linda. There were four of us. Two girls,then the two boys. Such wonderful childhood memories.