Time to gather up my things and get ready to go to Sunday School and Church.

We are going to head out earlier than usual this morning because two of our communities organizations are fixing us breakfast this morning. I understand their will be bacon and eggs among other tantalizing taste for a Sunday morning. All I needed to hear was the word bacon and I was setting my alarm to make sure I got there on time.

Many of you do not know that I have been helping in Sunday School class doing crafts for about 5 years now. I am at that point where I am starting to miss attending a class with other adults. I have loved working with the kids, but as of October 1st when the classes change and they all move up a grade, I am going to resign from crafting and attend my own class. I sure will miss my "gang" but I just feel like it is time. I will still help once a month in Children's Church, but it is going to feel strange not providing a craft for my kiddos every week. Especially this little group who has been with me since they were about a year old. I just can't believe they are all in first grade now.

We have started working on our Christmas program for church so I am sure choir practice will be tonight. We've just practiced once so far, but from what I am listening to on the practice CD, these are going to be beautiful songs, but easy to sing. We usually perform twice; once is right after our annual Christmas parade.

I am not sure what I will do this afternoon. I am so exhausted that I may just lay around on the couch. I do have to make a quick run to town and I will probably stop by my favorite antique store on the way home.
Hubby and I will have a late supper this evening and he is talking about having biscuits and gravy, fried potatoes, eggs and sausage. Guess I'll get breakfast twice in one day. Awesome! His gravy is my favorite because it is made with bacon grease not sausage. I love bacon gravy but most people have never even heard of it.

Well, that's about how my day is going to roll. How about yours?