I found some good deals Saturday in my shopping. I needed some 8.5 x 11 scrapbook paper for a Children's Church project and some for a Vacation Bible School craft. So I headed to the Scrapbook Store 50% Off store. I love this place. It is a division of the Scrapbook Store, but the wonderful part is most items are marked down anyway; but when they total your purchase an additional 50% is taking off your total order. Normally, this size paper is 4 for $1.00, making it ring up at 4 for .50 cents. Well, yesterday was apparently "let's get rid of old stuff" day. I walked up to the paper and the sign said "25 sheets for .99 cents." So I bought 50 sheets. It rang up at $1.98 and after the 50% off button was hit, I paid .99 cents total for all 50 sheets. I was so excited.

Before the scrapbook store, I stopped at a local community yard sales. I love to scour yard sales. I am always on the lookout for teapots, tea cups or tea for one sets at a good deal. I have found a few but they are hard to come by. Normally, when I find them the prices is $5 or $10 because the owner knows they are collectibles. Imagine my joy yesterday when I found this little set for only $1.00. It was a perfect addition to the new spring look in my kitchen.

Over the years, I have tried to "copy" many decorating styles I saw in older homes. I tried Americana, rustic, early American, many different things. But my absolute love for flowers always got in the way. I could never find things I really liked but when something had to do with flowers, birdhouses or butterflies, I would fall in love with it. I finally decided I could admire others decor, but I was sticking with my love of flowers. One of my bathrooms is floral, butterflies and birdhouses in the whole room. It's one of my favorite rooms in the house. It has all the colors of spring in it. So you can imagine how I had to snatch this little bargain up for the bathroom at only .50 cents.