As you know, I love UPS and FedEx. I never know when they will arrive with some goodies. (Well, I know because I get phone notifications, but you know what I mean.) I came home yesterday and found an order from Thirty-One that my sister-in-law's sister-in-law had been waiting on. I know she is going to love her goodies!
It's been a great week so far and it's only Wednesday. Sunday, my Pampered Chef lady delivered my items I earned from a Facebook Party we did together online. She called it "Shop on your seat, not on your feet." It was awesome we had a $300+ party. Hubby is off tonight so we are trying out my new pizza pan for grills on his new grill. I am loving my new stuff.
In the mail I got this sweet card from my sister. In it was this necklace. I am in love. She knows me and my flip flops.
Earlier this week, my friend Stevie was cleaning her craft room and she gave me this box.
It was about 7" tall and filled with scrapbook paper and even a couple of blank scrapbooks I can use.
She also gave me a tub of embellishments and stuff. I need to spend time sorting everything this weekend and make a couple of scrapbooks.
Speaking of scrapbooks, I work for Stevie's hubby and our office is right beside their house, so I see her every day. Yesterday, I popped over to ask her something and found scrapbook paper all over the floor.
Turns out she saw a great idea on Pinterest and she was trying it out with the help of her Mom.
Well and they had a little help with picking out the paper from Ms. Shelby Kay, Stevie's daughter.
They are creating their own patchwork wall paper pattern. It is going to be gorgeous.
What an awesome way to decorate one wall in her craft room. Plus it goes good with her new couch that she put in there as well. I think her son, Ray Ray is enjoying the new couch.

She is the friend of mine who does monogramming and appliques. She made this shirt for my granddaughter Shelby, who loves Thirty-One as a much as I do.
Stevie had brought me back this dishtowel on a recent trip she went on. I couldn't decide at first where to hang it. But I finally found the perfect place and it looks great with my black & white gooseberry Pyrex bowl.
I had ordered myself a new key fob from Thirty-One and it came yesterday. I love this pattern. It compliments my Navy Wave products. I am going to order a zipper pouch to match it.
No, I didn't get a new pair of flip flops. This is a new design of manicure file for Thirty-One. Isn't it just adorable. I love it. It came with my key fob in the mail.
After mostly sandwiches at VBS last week, I decided I needed some good old comfort food. I baked potatoes, scooped the potato out of the shell, added butter and crumbled bacon. I put it in a round cake pan and covered with cheese and baked for another 10 minutes. I paired that with scrambled eggs and homemade apple butter. It was delicious if I do say so myself.
That was Monday and I had the leftovers last night. That gave me time last night to bake chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies. They turned out really good and we had some with ice cold milk for a late night snack last night.
Well, I guess you can see I have had a fun filled week this week and it's just mid-way through. Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings.