I can't believe it. Today is my 2 year blogiversary.
Here is the conversation I had last night with my hubby.
Me: Can you believe I've been writing my blog for two years? I can't believe I've had something to say for 730 days.
Hubby: (chuckles) You ALWAYS have something to say.
He thinks he is so funny....but he is right. I never seem to run out of things to say. I'm just one of those people who can always find something to talk about, even with complete strangers. My whole life, I've been known for how much I like to talk. It has earned me lots of nicknames over the years. When I was just 9 years old, one of the ladies in my church choir loved to get me going. She had such a quirky sense of humor that every time I talked to her, I was always laughing. She called me Gabby Giggles. That was her pet nickname for me.
Then when I was 12, I was always getting in trouble in gym class because I was busy talking when Mr. Lambert was explaining what we were going to do. I never got in trouble because, well, it was just gym class. My first name is Brenda so Mr. Lambert started calling me Wendy Brendy.
I've been told I've got the gift of gab. I've been called a little chatterbox.
I would even talk to my cat if nobody else was around to talk to. Of course, that could explain why K.C. (my cat) spent so much time with her eyes closed when she and I were the only ones home.
I accuse my hubby of tuning me out sometimes, but I probably just wear the poor man out with my talking.
But I don't care how much of a reputation I have for talking, I still can't believe I've been able to write a post almost everyday for two straight years.
Happy Blogiversary to me!