We have been snowed in since Monday and I am so ready to get back out into the real world. But not when it is 5° and the feels like is -4°. But alas, I must venture back to the office this morning. I will admit the snow has been pretty, but I have been fascinated with the icicles. All though I am not sure how this will affect my poor apple tree. She is hanging heavy and I am worried about a few of the limbs.
Yesterday around 5:00 the sun was shining in such a way that it looked like the trees had Christmas tinsel on them. It was really pretty.
The way the sun hit this one tree just made it beautiful. Of course, I was going around the house singing from the Frozen song all day...."My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around. And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast. I'm never going back; the past is in the past! Let it go, let it go." My singing may not amount to much but the tree sure was beautiful.
We had some good meals and I ate out of my Pyrex pie plate for several meals. My favorite was the twice baked potato-bacon-cheese casserole with scrambled eggs and bacon. Yummy.
I had the leftover bacon with biscuits and peanut butter with a side dish of homemade apple butter for lunch the next day.
Last night we had smoked sausage fixed in homemade baked beans with some fried potatoes and mac & cheese. It was so good. Hubby had a side of onion but I didn't.
I felt the need for spring so I decided to redo my blog template. Doesn't the header just put you in a springy state of mind. I wanted a pic to put on the side bar of the grandkids. I found this one from December 2010. I cannot believe how much they have changed in 4 short years.
Garret especially. He turns 16 in a few weeks and I for one believe he is a very handsome young man. But my heart misses that little boy who would let me rock him when he stayed all night. Even when he was 2, I would get him on my lap and we would rock for over an hour just watching TV until he got sleepy and ready for bed.

Alexis (10), Caleb (11), Shelby (6) and Colby (4) are just growing up at warp speed as well. Oh, how I wish I could keep them little. But at the same time, they are all so much fun that I wouldn't change a moment of being with them....no matter what age they get.

We usually get one cold spell every year about this time and after that, it gets on the upswing for spring (even though the cold comes back from time to time). I am hoping this was our last major winter storm. I am so ready for daffodils.
Have a great day. Stay safe and warm.