Two of my favorite stores are Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby. I am heading off to both of them today. I am armed with a wish list a mile long and my 40% off Hobby Lobby coupon.
(Visit Hobby Lobby to get your coupon every week)
I normally take a little tiny notebook with me with notes and ideas for what I need to pick up when I'm shopping. But today, I have the BIG BOOK of notes, lists, ideas and STUFF.
As many of you know, my daughter and I shop together almost every weekend. I tag along for the fun of getting out of the house for the day. I patiently wait while she looks for the perfect outfit. I give my opinions when she shops for shoes. She is a girly-girl so we look at a lot of neat things. But yesterday, she made me so proud. She tells me she wants to go to Hobby Lobby, which is not unusual because she make jewelry. But then she added...I want to look at fabric and yarn. Be still my heart!

I immediately got to work on my "list". One thing I'm going to look for is some yarn in coral peach and turqoise. I want to make a plastic canvas basket for my desk to hold post it notes. I just realized yesterday that I made a little box several years back that has a somewhat Chevron pattern to it. I want to make my basket with a similar pattern, but with more colors.
I also want to look for a chain for a necklace. I saw this great idea on a blog or Facebook or somewhere. Anyway, you take a flat washer (usually can be found in your hubby's tool box). Clean it up real good and polish it with your favorite nail polish. Put a sealer on it and loop a chain through it and you have a necklace. Before I bought anything to do it, I took it for a test spin yesterday. I did it in a hurry. I also discovered I needed a fine thin paint brush to get any missed spot. The nail polish brush was too wide to use for touch up spots. I also don't like this chain. I want some more like the chains on military dog tags. I need to buy some sealant to spray on to protect it. But at least you get the idea even if I did do this one in a hurry.
After I finished the necklace. I went to the mailbox and there was a package from Mommy. She had made me a new runner for my coffee table. I love it. I don't know any other woman in her 80's that can craft like she can. She always has several projects going. I want to be just like her when I get that age.
In the package was also a DVD that two of my cousins put together of old family pictures and set it to nostalgic music. I knew it was going to have a lot of pictures of my Mamaw and Papaw Eden so I grabbed a box of tissues and settled down to watch. It was so awesome and I cried even more than I thought I would. Pictures of our past, memories oh sweet memories, of all the loved ones who have passed on. Pictures of cousins I don't get to see much any more, but still mean the world to me. But as it neared the end and I thought there was no way I could cry any more, this picture popped up. This is my dear, sweet, beloved Daddy who has been gone for 14 years. I had never seen this picture before. This had to have been in the late 50's early 60's I would say. I just can't quit looking at it. I'm going to ask my cousin to send me a copy of it. It just made my day getting to see it.
Well, time to get a move on if I'm going to head out to Hobby Lobby this morning. Have a great Saturday.