There is nothing like getting up early on a Saturday morning and hitting the stores. I am one of those people who can window shop all day and consider it a successful day. Of course, you know I have a list. All week, when I think of something I need, something I want or something I just want to price, I put it on my list.
Then I usually organize that list early Saturday morning by grouping items together by the stores I'll be visiting. With all the beautiful sunshine these past two days, spring is just around the corner. I can't wait for flip flop weather to get here.
Flip flops, or as we called them - floppies, have become more than just a rubber shoe to wear outside around the house. They have evolved into an acceptable shoe for shopping, work, church, family functions, whatever. They come in casual, sporty, dressy, with little heels, flat, decorated, plain, the list just goes on and on.
This is the time of year to start buying flip flops. I like to have casuals in red, black, brown, tan, and white. Then of course, I have to have dressy for church in white, black and brown. During the winter, 2 or 3 choices of shoes is fine for me. I can survive with one, maybe two, nice pairs of tennis shoes. But I am addicted to flip flops and think I have to have a pair for every occasion.
So today will be declared National Start Looking for New Flip Flop day. I have already done the preliminary research and discovered that Payless has new arrivals. So I see a start to flip flop shopping in my future today.
Hope everybody enjoys the sunshine today.