
Saturdays' Stuff

I am not happy with one of the bags I earned at my last Thirty-One party so when I ordered my granddaughter a new thermal the other day, I ordered me one as well. 

I wonder if Joann's or Hobby Lobby is the best place to buy this kind of fabric and does anybody know what it is called. It's got a weave similar to burlap but it is a much tighter weave. Is it simply another form of burlap or does it have it's own name? I want to make some of these for fall. 

I used to make little pom poms a lot when I was younger. But I've never tried this. It's been so many years I better Google a You Tube video as a refresher.

Oh yes, this is me. It's not too much longer until my beach trip so I'm definitely starting to feel this way.

And a little something to make you smile today.