Friday on the way home from work, I stopped at an estate sale. It was the second day so there wasn't much left. I did find this cute little jar that looked vintage. My niece found it online for me and it is from the 1930's. It was a tilted Lucky Joe mustard jar.

Friday night found me in a baking frenzy since I found out I could bring a dessert to the C & C Thirty-One meeting on Saturday. We were going to be discussing preparing for the Christmas season so she asked us to bring a favorite Christmas cookie...even if it was just a regular cookie. So I put my Lemon cookie cups in a Christmas container to add to the atmosphere.

Friday night found me in a baking frenzy since I found out I could bring a dessert to the C & C Thirty-One meeting on Saturday. We were going to be discussing preparing for the Christmas season so she asked us to bring a favorite Christmas cookie...even if it was just a regular cookie. So I put my Lemon cookie cups in a Christmas container to add to the atmosphere.

For those who don't like lemon, I made Chocolate Chip in the mini muffin tins and stuck a red or green M & M in the center and line the pan with Christmas paper so it would keep with the theme. They turned out really good. I just bought the pre-made Toll House break apart cookie dough. I cut each cookie in 1/2 and dropped the dough in the cups and baked at 350 for 10-12 minutes and stuck an M & M in when I was done. I loved them. This recipe is perfect for children to make.

We got an awesome amenity. It is going to be available to hostesses only in December. If you are familiar with Thirty-One's large utility tote, you know that most people wish it stood up better when empty and wish it had pockets. With the new liner that snaps in, it it a very firm material and causes the tote to set up straight.
And it has 5 mesh pockets. I love it.
After the meeting, my daughter had to go to work and Shelby went to the 9 mile yard sale with me. Her mom accidentally took her sweater with her and she was freezing. We found booth that you could tell the people were clean and you could smell the clothing to tell it had been washed, so I snagged her a cute sweater for $1.00. She was so warm afterwards. (This was actually taken in Walmart's parking lot later in the day because she wanted to show mommy that she was warm.)
At the same yard sale, I found something I have been looking for for over two years. A hand crocheted shawl in a thicker yarn, not crochet thread. I don't like wearing jackets and this will be perfect until coat weather gets here. I am so thrilled that it was just $1.00 as well.
(Back Side)
(Front Side)
I also picked up this cute little kitty figurine. I collect white porcelain cats. They still have some of their original coloring. I am going to leave them like that because you can tell they are old.
I picked up this cute Santa for my Santa collection.
I had to have this one to go with the red and turquoise decor I use in the kitchen at Christmas. It needs cleaned up, but it looks like dirt spots so should come clean just fine.
I really liked this and I have several pill boxes for Christmas. Only problem is I think I may already have this one. Oh well, for .50 cents I could always use a second one.
I found this plaid napkin. I am going to do something crafty with it...just don't have any idea what.
I got this book for $1.00. I have read others by her and she is really good.
After the yard sale, we went to Walmart and I picked up some Christmas material for making some crafts. I am not sure what I am making with it, but I really liked it and couldn't pass it up.
Today is a very special day because it is my sister, Rachel's birthday. She is just 13 months older than I am so we have always been very close. She is an amazing sister and I don't know what I would do without her. Love you Sis. Have a happy birthday.
(Mom and Rachel)