In life, we have so many doubts, so many fears. We have times where we feel so unworthy, used, washed up. We feel like we don't matter or that no one cares. We worry about every little thing and feel like we face the world alone.
We have One who is always there for us; One who can lift us up and carry us over the troubled waters.
I worked for a gentlemen who had kept every good thing every written about it. Letters of recommendation from employers. Thank you notes from people who appreciated things he did for them. Notes and comments of his life and the good things that were said about him. When he would get down or depressed or feel bad about himself, he would get out the little folder and read all the good things people had said about him.
I used to think that was pretty neat until one day I realized that I already had a "folder" that I could go to that would make me feel better about myself when I was feeling down. It's called the BIBLE.

Psalm 139:14 says "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
I don't know about you, but as much as I appreciate kinds words and remarks that make me feel good, as much as I thank each and everyone of you who leave such sweet comments for me to read, I still love the fact that by picking up my bible and reading God's beautiful words, I can have HOPE. I can have FAITH. I can receive MERCY. I can be shown GRACE and I can have LOVE.
For my dear friends who are suffering, who are feeling down, who are going through trials, who are having health issues, I leave you with this video. May God bless you today and may He raise you up to more than you can be.