I have been in a Pyrex rut lately. I can't seem to find anything I am looking for. Here are some of my dream items. This one is one I am actively looking for and scouring trade groups in search of them.

This is a set that is on just about everybody's wish list that I know. It's hard to find because everybody wants it.
The same is true for the pink. These two colors make a Pyrex collector faint when they find them.

I was offered stripes for a trade one time and I was all "no thank you, I don't care for stripes." Yikes! What was I thinking. Now they have grown on me and nobody every has them for sale or trade around here.

I love these two... The Atomic Eyes and Turquoise Diamond.

But I have recently realized that vintage bowls do not have to be Pyrex to make me fall in love with them. I am noticing some very pretty patterns in Federal, Fire King, Glasbake and Hazel Atlas. Here are some of my favorites in those brands. I thing this one is so cute with the whimsical lantern and mixing spoons.

This is probably a bowl from that same set just with either a different view or different items on it.

I do not care for the Pyrex dots bowls, but I do love the ones in Federal. They are just too cute.

This reminds me of an old vintage tablecloth.
I bought one like the one on the left several years ago. But because I became a vintage snob who thought she only wanted Pyrex, I traded it. I could kick myself. Every time I see a pic of it I get mad all over again for ever letting it go.
These are very cute. The pattern is unique. I have never seen these in person anywhere.

I would absolutely love to find this entire set. It is gorgeous.

More dots. These are so whimsical looking.

These are not bowls obviously. But I love the two Hazel Atlas cups on the left. I actually have both of them. Paid .25 cents for one of them and .75 cents for the other. I am not sure who makes the one on the right because I can't find it anywhere else on the internet. But I would love to find one.
Well, there are some vintage items that make my heart melt. Hope you enjoyed looking at them as much as I do.