Well, it is going to be a busy weekend around here. How would you like to have my schedule this weekend.....
Direct TV is coming to change install new Genie boxes on the TV's. We get a free upgrade since we have been with them for two years.
I need to run and get my hair cut after he leaves if there is time.
Tomorrow I have breakfast with my daughter and a little shopping to do. We are going to do the Shoney's breakfast bar. Best place to get full on a good budget.
From there, I will go straight to start lining up everybody for the annual community Christmas Parade. Somehow I ended up in charge of this when we started it four years ago and I still am the main organizer. But everybody is so easy to work with that I don't mind.
After I send the last float or group out to the main road, I will hop in my car and go the other direction and circle around to our church. I always time it so that I get there as the first of the parade arrives so I can actually get to watch it and not just organize it.

The parade ends at our church and we give everybody time to come in and then we perform the our annual Christmas program for the community. So as soon as the parade is over, I hurry inside and become a quick change artist to go from jeans and a sweatshirt to pants and a sweater for the program.

After the performance, I will hurry home where my family will be waiting and we will have pizza and a birthday party for me and my children since we all three have birthdays this week.

Sunday morning is Sunday School and church. Our morning worship services will be our Christmas program again for our church family.

After church, I need to hurry home and make something to take to a Christmas party for my Thirty-One friends. I need to leave the house by 2:30 to get there for the party and gift exchange at 3:00. Around 5:00, I will have to change again into my dress clothes and drive about 20 minutes to a sister church who has invited us to perform our Christmas program. They do not have a choir so they have invited us in to sing for them.

After that, it will be back home and time to put on my warm socks and crash on the couch. I am hoping to fit eating and sleeping into my weekend somewhere.