I had a cat for 17 years and loved her dearly. When she died, I didn't get a new one right away. By the time I thought I wanted a new one my husband had passed away and I lived somewhere that does not allow pets. I have missed having a cat to come home to but I haven't missed the litter box, the feeding, the care.
One day about a little over a year ago, a friend of mine donated some stuffed animals to my children's church class for a project we were doing. We had some left over so the kids all got to take one home. Since Shelby was born shortly after K.C. died, she never got to know her but had heard many stories. So she decided since I couldn't have any pets, I needed a stuffed cat. She picked this one for my "new pet". The cat lays on my bed all the time. She is soft and fluffy and Shelby named her midnight. I will admit it is kind of sweet to come home every night late and have my "cat" laying on the bed.