I remember summertime when I was young as a time of wonder and excitement.
We would play outside for endless hours. Sometimes Mom would fix our lunch and we would eat it on a blanket in the yard under the old oak tree.

We would take walks to the store and library. We usually had a quarter and would go to the Stop & Shop and get 25 pieces of penny candy.

My favorite was banana Kits, Pixie Sticks, Sixlets, and BB Bats.

My favorite food in the summer was a cheese sandwich with Miracle Whip and pickle on it.

My favorite drink was grape Kool-Aid with lemons squeezed in it.

Sweet summertime memories.
We would play outside for endless hours. Sometimes Mom would fix our lunch and we would eat it on a blanket in the yard under the old oak tree.

We would take walks to the store and library. We usually had a quarter and would go to the Stop & Shop and get 25 pieces of penny candy.

My favorite was banana Kits, Pixie Sticks, Sixlets, and BB Bats.
My favorite food in the summer was a cheese sandwich with Miracle Whip and pickle on it.
My favorite drink was grape Kool-Aid with lemons squeezed in it.
Sweet summertime memories.