For the most part, I am a very upbeat, positive person. Call it optimism, call it being a Pollyanna, call it what you will, but I simply can't stand being negative about anything. I personally believe it is because of my faith. I have such deep rooted faith in God, that I find it hard to worry way too much. I try to just give it to Him and let Him handle it. I find when I do that, things always work out for the best. It's hard not to try to step in and do things my way, but I have learned to let go and let God. He's way bigger than me and can handle my problems and concerns easier than I can.
One of my favorite bible verses is Philippians 4:11 - "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." It doesn't mean I don't suffer problems, grief, fear, pain or despair at times. It just means that there is someone more powerful than me that I can give the troubles to. This lets me go on about the joy of living.
One of the simplest words in the English language that really packs a punch is JOY. We struggle through so much in our daily walk that it is good to find joy when you can. It is good to look for joy in day to day situations.
Find something to make you smile or look for the little things that make you laugh. I have found that being able to laugh at yourself is an important part of living a happy life. If we can't laugh at ourselves how can we be truly happy. Psalm 89:15 says Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance.

I love laughter. It makes you feel good inside. It releases pent up anger and frustration. It can relieve stressful situations. But the best kind of laughter is when you can laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously all the time. We all do and say things that are amusing. Look for those situations and be glad that you are able to laugh at yourself... then share it with others to bring a smile to their face as well.
I did something yesterday that made me laugh at myself. Then the situation progressed and got even funnier. I even called my Mom to share the story with her so she could get a good laugh out of it. I want to share it with you this morning in hopes that it brings a little laughter your way and a little smile to your face.

I was getting ready to head out for the day. I had just finished drying my hair so I reached into the bath cabinet and pulled out the hairspray. As I was giving it a good coat, I thought "The hairspray seems lighter this morning." So I took a good look at the can and sure enough, I was spraying deodorant all over my hair. I chuckled and put it up, brushed my hair good again and the got the "real" hairspray out. After I covered my hair good I thought to myself "I might as well put my deodorant on next.".......AND PROCEEDED TO SPRAY THE HAIRSPRAY UNDER MY ARMS.
Now, if you can't laugh at yourself after you do something like that, there is just no hope for your sense of humor.