I love using Mason jars and baby food jars for crafts, but I never considered the possibilities of a pickle jar. I buy 3 different types of pickles and my jars are almost empty so I was going to be tossing them over the next week as I finish off each of the pickles. Imagine my delight when I stumbled on this quite by accident. DIY projects using pickles jars. I am definitely doing some of these. Paint, labels, knobs, all simple things to make a unique jar.
I want to do these next ones to set on the wide spot of my tub so I can have a nice soothing bath with lit candles. Plus it goes great with my beach decor.
Not sure what they used for the base. I will have to investigate further.
These are not pickle jars, but spaghetti sauce jars. Which I buy a lot of. I love spaghetti.
I did worry a little bit about the smell, even if you wash them good will they still smell. Then I found this idea to get smells out of pickle jars.
Looks like I'm good to go!