One of the blog hops from this past week asked the question "Have you started looking at swimsuits for this year, and do you buy a new one every year?"
That triggered a whole series of thoughts for me.

First off, we haven't made it to the beach the last two years. But we will be going later this summer so I have started my planning. I have a new beach bag from Thirty-One Gifts. I even have a purse and soft wallet in the same pattern. I'll be soooo co-ordinated. I have two bathing suits that are in really good condition. They are both over 5 years old, but don't look it. But I KNOW they are older so it makes me want a new one.
I'm just not sure what I want. I don't want something where my top or bottom hangs halfway out, but I don't want to cover myself from head to toe. There has to be a happy medium. I have a yearly argument with hubby who can't understand why I quit wearing a bikini. (Those of you who KNOW what I look like can quit laughing so hysterically). Well, duh, sweetheart. Can we say "flab...or spare tire...or thunder thighs". I guess I should be honored that in his mind I would still look good in one. Of course, he remembers me in a bikini at 25 weighing all of 98 pounds. BIG DIFFERENCE now. I would try one on to show him, but I don't want to scar the poor man for life.
(Disclaimer: NONE of the suits I am about to show are me wearing them. I would not subject my sweet readers to such horror.)
I normally prefer a standard suit with a shirred front because that goes a long way in hiding a little extra tummy. And I love bold Hawaiian print because it always is more kind to a less than perfect body. But this year, I'm thinking of trying a new style. I like how the one below has a little flap like area that covers the very tops of thighs.
I also like the idea of what they call a swim dress, but just not sure that is for me.
About 10 years and 40 pounds ago, I tried a tankini. Did I like it? Not so much. I was constantly trying to adjust it so no belly showed. That is an experience I will never repeat again.
I contemplated for a little while about the shortini. But decided I would feel like I had on regular clothes and would henceforth be miserable sitting out in the sun. So no shortinis for me.
My poor body is one of those that doesn't fit a particular mold. I'm not well endowed on top by any means but I sure have my fair share following along behind me. I weigh too much too look good in "slinky" but I don't weigh enough to be in a plus size. It's frustrating finding the happy medium. I think I see some dieting and exercise in my future if I am going to find a good fit for a bathing suit. I scoured the internet to find one I loved so I could post it on the fridge for inspiration. So far, I've not been inspired. I'll have to hold off till spring and see what new items come into the stores.