I had a great weekend. Hubby is feeling better and his appetite seems to be returning. I had to run to Walmart to get a few things Hubby was needing. I popped into Joanne's for a second to pick up some fabric. While I was there, I checked out their Cricut cartridges. This is one I want really bad, but no way will I pay $49.99 for it. But they were having a big sale and this was only $19.99. And, you know me, I had a coupon. It was 20% off my whole order, even sale items. Those don't normally cover the Cricut products, but when I checked my receipt, it did. So I got it for $15.99.

I did a little crafting when I came home. I tried my hand at a Pinterest idea where you use a cookie sheet and cover with fabric and ribbon using modge podge. It turned out okay, but I have to tell you I think I could have done a better job.
I did make three little no-sew pillows to go with Mrs. Bear Witch. I will do a tutorial on those later this week. They were awesome to make.
I need to remember to get some pine cones. I want to try my hand at making one of these.

Saturday night I made some homemade sausage pizza. I love homemade pizza with pork sausage and Colby-Monterrey Jack cheese. It is so simple and so delicious.
Sunday morning in our Sunday School class, this sweet couple celebrated their 40th anniversary by renewing their vows. Our pastor attends the same Sunday School class as I do. So we had the privilege of watching them renew their vows. It was awesome.
Afterwards we had homecoming celebrating 132 years of Beech Springs Baptist Church. Ms. Debbie Cline did a beautiful presentation on the history of the church and showed pictures of all three churches that have stood on the property. They had to expand because the church grew beyond their original expectations.

It was a fabulous weekend.