We usually put out 2-3 tomato plants each summer, but the past two years we haven't. But I could not part with the tomato cages because in my mind I kept thinking I could use them for something some day. Well, that day has come. Thanks to Pinterest, I have many options on what to do with these tomato cages. Some are super simple and some are a little more adventurous. Here are some ideas.
I would love to have a couple of cute trees on my porch. So I like the ones that are just garland and lights wrapped around it.
But I do like it embellished a little, though I am not a huge fan of this one. It does give me ideas though.

These are probably one of my favorite since they used the garland that looks like Douglas Fir. That is what I normally get for a tree and for Christmas wreaths each year.
I love this one. It looks extremely realistic. I checked out the site and saw the steps and it is garland and lights. But it looks like a real tree. I think it would look cute to wrap some concrete blocks in Christmas vinyl Dollar Tree table cloth and put a big red vinyl bow like presents around the tree.
This is simple but cute. I would need to spray paint my tomato cages because we bought bright yellow.
Here is one done with burlap ribbon. Even though I like the look of burlap, I hate working with it.
These are too cute for words. But if there is one thing I hate working with more than burlap, it is mesh ribbon. I do not like it and it does NOT like me.
What a beautiful angel made with the tomato cage. This is really cute but far above my talent level.
This is a cute tree turned into a snowman using the white garland.
Another cute snowman. Again, the evil mesh. But it is really cute.
This one looks simple as well. These snowmen would look cute on my sister's porch. She should try to make some of these.
Mom would love these. She always has poinsettias out everywhere at Christmas. These would be super simple but I am not sure how much it would cost to have that many poinsettias fill a tree.
I am so happy that I now have a plan for those tomato cages I have hung onto.