I'm linky to My Little Life. Thanks for the invitation!
1. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
That's an easy one, it would be my shape. I sometimes think my tummy sticks out as much in front as my rear does in the back.
2. Write about a time when you got lost.
My daughter and I were out in her new Dodge Shadow. We were on a road we had never traveled. I thought we had missed our turn-off, so I crossed over the median to retrace our steps. We passed a truck that kept weaving like he was drunk and I realized we had not put our seat belts back on at the gas station. Seeing him weave reminded us of the fact, so we did. We went back down the road a piece, crossed over again and started back. As we were driving back down the road, a car came speeding off an on-ramp and did not slow or yield. He plowed right into our rear end at about 60 mph. Totaled the car, but thankfully we were not hurt bad. Just a lot of bruises and stiffness. If we had not been lost, we would have missed the hit, but thanks to the weaving driver, we had our seat belts on.
3. Camping or 5 star hotel?
When the kids were younger, we did a lot of camping and it always seemed to rain. But how I loved those damp mornings, wearing hubby's flannel shirt while he made bacon, eggs and fried potatoes on that old camp stove. But now that I'm older and wiser, camping? Not so much. I do not require a 5 star hotel every time, but nowadays my idea of roughing it is when the hotel does not have at least a microwave and a refrigerator.
4. Have you donated blood?
One time. Over the years, I have found that I have low iron and am continually at a risk of becoming anemic, which has happened quite frequently, so it was recommended that I did not give blood since I never know when I am on the verge of becoming anemic again. I can usually feel when my iron is low and eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches over a period of several days can help level it back out and keeps me off any kind of medication for the deficiency.
5. Do you have a budget or do you 'fly by' most months?
We do have a budget and stick to it extremely well. In the budget, we allot me an allowance each week. Now ask me if I budget my allowance and stick to it? Well, not so much. Since I know it is my "spending money" I do just that...I spend it and enjoy every moment of it. There is no guilt attached that way, because it was already budgeted for. And if I don't spend it all, I get to keep it and add it to the next week's allowance for a bigger shopping spree. Taking an allowance was one of the best financial moves we ever made.