Well, it has been a fantastic weekend. It started off with the 10 mile yard sale. I didn't have as much luck as I like to, but I did get a few things. This was probably something silly, but I just couldn't help myself, not for just a dime. But it is the Cheerio's bee. I love whimsical bees and my favorite cereal is Cheerios so I just had to have it. It's a Pez dispenser.
My next exciting find was this gorgeous silver sugar and cream set. I am in love with it. I have always wanted a set like this.
As you recall, my new office has some black and white Thirty-One organizers in it. So when I saw this cup and coaster, I knew I had to have it.
I also picked up this brand new project planner. it had never been used. It is perfect for someone who had so many irons in the fire like I do.
I got this recipe book from my daughter-in-laws booth. It has some awesome recipes. She teased me about buying it because of the cake on the front. Sad to say, but she was right. :) But I did find lots of recipes inside that I would like to try out.
I found this cute little picture to set on my desk. It is one of my favorite bible versus.
I had hoped to find another wooden pelican. I found one last year I loved. I was lucky and found this little guy for just .50 cents.
Found this cute little rooster. My camera went nuts though and I didn't get a good picture. But I love it.
The bargain of the day was these two white milk glass bowls. I got one and my daughter got the other one. They were .50 cents each. She saw where someone put Styrofoam in them and then did a flower arrangement. We are going to try that.
I went with the thought in mind that I would like to find some plastic bowling pins to use for a little carnival we were putting on for Children's church. Imagine my delight when I was able to get a set for just .50 cents. I forgot to take a picture before I took them to church but they were similar to this with farm animals on them.
I spent some time Saturday evening preparing the games. Then I crashed on the couch after supper. It was a long day. Sunday I went to Sunday School then we had our carnival for the kids of Children's church. They had a ton of fun. I didn't get any pictures of the them doing the games, but we played alligator when it was all over and I did get a pic of that. We had already cleaned up the carnival games by then.

Last night was the 50th Anniversary of the Academy of Country Music awards show. I rarely watch any of the music event shows unless it relates to Country Music then I never miss them. I miss the ACM awards one year on TV but it was on the radio so I was able to listen to them. I love watching the various reactions when people win and you can tell by the look on their face they did not think they would. It was a great show. I was happy with most of the winners, but I was a little shocked to say the least at single record of the year. I sure didn't expect it to be I Don't Dance by Lee Brice. That was a good song, but song of the year? And even though I was happy for Luke Bryan as entertainer of the year, I really had hoped Jason Aldean would take that one home. But all in all, it was an awesome 50th anniversary show with a lot of recognition going to a lot of people who deserved it.