We are coming into that time of year when my life gets busy, busy, busy. And I love every minute of it. My calendar is already filling up.

It is the middle of October and I still have three more Bible Study meetings to go to this month. I'm making brownies to take to the next one. We are going to have an ice cream social as part of the bible study.

There is a 9 mile yard sale one Saturday that I want to go to. I got some good deals at it the last couple of years.

There is a baby shower for my son-in-law's sister-in-law that I will be going to. One night I am going to help decorate the Fellowship Hall and then the next night I will be going back for the shower.

I have a Thirty-One meeting to go to one Saturday. Those are always fun and we always get a free Thirty-One product for attending. I'm making a dessert to take to that one, but not sure what I will make. Thinking about my chocolate cinnamon cookies with chocolate icing.

That same night, I'll be having my first Origami Owl party. I met the consultant through our mutual Thirty-One businesses.

Trunk-or-Treat is coming up at church and I like to go see all the little costumes the kids come up with. We get a lot of homemade unique ones, not just store bought.

My daughter can't get off work for my granddaughter's first school party so I told her I would try to take off work and go to it in her place.

Then, of course, trick-or-treat is coming up when all the ghosts and goblins prowl around the neighborhoods looking for candy.

And all of that is just in the next two weeks. I think I need to take a nap just thinking about how much I have to do this month.

Trunk-or-Treat is coming up at church and I like to go see all the little costumes the kids come up with. We get a lot of homemade unique ones, not just store bought.

My daughter can't get off work for my granddaughter's first school party so I told her I would try to take off work and go to it in her place.
Then, of course, trick-or-treat is coming up when all the ghosts and goblins prowl around the neighborhoods looking for candy.
And all of that is just in the next two weeks. I think I need to take a nap just thinking about how much I have to do this month.