These past couple of days we have high in the 60's low 70's each day. The sun was shining, the jackets stayed in the car. It was so easy to forget it was only early January. Now they are calling for heavy rain to move in and stay for the next few days. It started shortly after church last night. We are under flood watches and the temps are supposed to return to the 40's.
It's so not fair. I want the sunshine back. I want the warm temperatures. I want to move winter on it's way.

But alas, it is here for the duration. We will have our ups and our downs. We will face sunny days and snow covered ground. Each season lasts about 3 months give or take. But I would be happy if winter started on December 21st and ended on January 1st. That's long enough for me. This was our December 2010 and I loved it. But come January. I'm done.

I need a field trip to the beach. I'm thinking Panama City sounds pretty good about now. Field trip anyone?
But alas, I am stuck here for awhile longer in the dreary, gloomy days of January.
Think I'll make some soup and pout all day.