Wow! What a totally awesome weekend. Where to begin? So much activity that I am going to have to split it into two blog posts. I need to back up to Thursday because that is when my busy weekend kicked off. My grandson Caleb is my quietest grandchild as far as being in crowds and mingling with other people. You can imagine our surprise when he volunteered to be in his school's Christmas program. And we were even more amazed when he informed us he had a line to speak. It was just one line like most of the other kids, but for Caleb this was a HUGE announcement. He did a fabulous job and we couldn't have been more proud. That's him in his 50's look black leather jacket.
Friday was a crazy evening as I was scurrying around to make cookies and clean house for the weekend.
Saturday was my busiest day. We had breakfast at Shoney's and it was delicious. After that we did some shopping and then went back home and hurried over to organized the Annual Community Christmas Parade. It went off without a hitch. Four years and everything has went smooth. I couldn't be happier.

After the parade, our choir performed our Christmas program and then I hurried home and changed clothes just in time before the family started arriving for our birthday gathering for me and my children. We had a wonderful time. Here are a few highlights from the night. We had pizza, wings and breadsticks for supper. The three younger Grands wanted to eat in front of the TV in their room. When I went in to check on them and see if they were done, this is what I found. Apparently they were all full and relaxed.
I had left a box of decorations in their room and a little green Christmas tree. I told them they could decorate their tree and room with what was in the box. Note to self: In the future check what is in the box BEFORE turning them loose to be creative. I had forgotten their was a bag of leftover tinsel (icicles) and garland from last year in the bottom of that box. They called me in to look at their tree and this is what we found.
I was able to get a few picks but forgot to turn on the flash so they are a little blurry but these are my three handsome grandsons...Garret, Caleb and Colby.
And these are my two beautiful granddaughters...Shelby and Alexis.
Shelby and Colby were fascinated by the new fireplace. I love this picture. These two are a whirlwind bundle of energy. She is 6 and he is 4 and it is rare to see them sitting so quietly.
My daughter and her family got me this beautiful sweater. I can't wait to wear it to work today.
My son and his wife really surprised me with their gift. They know I am a huge fan of Rudolph. I never miss it. Here is Rudolph and Santa surrounded by some of the Misfit toys. But the most special part is that Santa has a list of names. It's all my grandchildren. I love that the top says The Grands since that is how I refer to them. My only question on this was "Is this the naughty or nice list?" I was just kidding. My precious Grands will definitely be on the nice list.
As you can see, I had a full day on Saturday. But I loved every moment of it.