I am not one who likes idle time. But this weekend, I actually enjoyed it.
I ran to Walmart on Saturday to pick up a few things I needed. I got back shortly after lunch. I just sat around and watched TV and read my book most of the afternoon.
Later that evening, I ran down to Pizza Hut and got a pizza. They have a new crust, but I didn't order it because I wasn't sure if it was thick or thin. Turns out it is almost like a hand-tossed, which I like. The thing that makes it special is once they get everything on your pizza, they surround it with four twisted breadsticks and back it. It is only a $1.99 more for this crust than a normal crust. Considering breadsticks are $4.99, you can save $3.00 if you like breadsticks with your pizza. I am trying this the next time we order pizza.
Sunday in our Sunday School class we had scrambled eggs, sausage and biscuits. It was delicious. Our lesson was fantastic as always. We are studying Genesis and are just moving into learning more about Abraham.
In Children's Church we made paper sailboats in honor of our story where Paul was sailing to Jerusalem. Then for the activity, each child picked where they would sail to. One little 4 year old blew my mind when he picked Germany. Another little 5 year old was hilarious when she told us she would sail to go see some cats. I got my boat plans from Pinterest.

I came home and had a light lunch and looked at the coupons and sales ads in the paper. Then I stretched out on my couch with my next book in the Icicle Falls book series. If it wasn't a fictional town, I would want to go visit there. This has been an awesome series to read.
I held a Thirty-One style Family Feud game on Facebook. That was a blast.
I ended the night with watching Hocus Pocus which is my all time favorite Halloween movie.

You would think I am refreshed and ready to hit the week. Nope. I woke up hearing rain and I just want to go back to bed. It's one of those days where you just want to keep your fuzzy jammies on and lay around all day doing nothing. But alas duty calls so I must go into work. Have a great day!