I had an awesome weekend. Three of my grandchildren came to spend the weekend. Colby is 3 and will come and visit, but the last two or three times we tried to get him to stay all night, he didn't make it. Come bed time or during the night he would want Mommy and nothing would calm him down so we had to meet up for him to go back home. Since he is a little older, we decided to try again. I am happy to say it was a success.
That evening, Alexis and Colby were playing a war game, Stratego, because Colby likes playing his own version. Alexis was doing good explaining it to him and he seemed to be paying close attention.
He sat there and studied the pieces then started to make his move. He "ran" his man across the board and then yelled TOUCHDOWN. Which shouldn't surprise me because the child lives for sports.
Alexis is 9 now and she still likes to sit on Papaw's lap and have him comb her hair out after her bath.
Garret and I played one of his war games and he beat me like he always does. I can't believe he is growing up so fast.
I was blessed on Sunday morning to be able to finally take all 5 of my grandchildren to church with me. That has never happened. When Colby was a baby and stayed all night, Caleb would be at his other grandparents and didn't go to church. But this Sunday everyone of them went with me and I could not have been happier than I was at that moment. We did get a pic but the eyes are a little off because the lighting wasn't good and it is a cell phone picture, but I will take what I can get. (I definitely need a haircut.)

One of my dear, sweet friends at church is one of the kindest most compassionate ladies you will ever meet. She is always so thoughtful. She saw on my Facebook post that I was doing my kitchen in snowflakes and Santa's with lots of blue and red this year. When I got to church Sunday, she had me a surprise goodie bag. She is very crafty and had made me this little gift. I loved it. It is going to be perfect for my Christmas decor.
She also got me this little dish. I'm going to fill it with hot chocolate packets.
I stopped by Walmart over the weekend and picked up my first box of Christmas cards. It usually takes me two to three boxes to get all my friends, family and church friends taken care of. But I like the looks of the one in this box to get me started.
I got up Monday morning and made my daughter-in-law her requested birthday "cake". It has vanilla pudding with peanut butter, Cool Whip, brownies and Reese cups. It is heaven in a bowl.
I had a very blessed weekend and enjoyed every minute of it. I do have a prayer request. Yesterday, a very, very close friend of mine who is my son-in-law's grandmother fell off a ramp in her garage while she was carrying groceries in. Ms. Clara is 82 years old and is always on the go. She has more energy than most people half her age. She broke her hip in three places and is going to have surgery this morning. They are discussing extended care services for after the surgery. This is going to be very hard on her with the holidays coming up. Please keep her in your prayers.