Some days, I suffer from a malady known (to me, at least) as "blog blindness". It's that moment when you sit down to write your blog and you draw a complete blank. What do I write about today? What is on my mind? Do I want to be serious, inspirational, motivational, silly, reminiscing, upbeat? What is my mind telling me or where is my heart leading me?
Do you ever have those days where you just sit and stare at your screen and see a blank. Now I know what an author means when they talk about writers block. I don't think it comes from lack of anything to say, maybe it is more that I have TOO much to say and can't decide. On days like this, I wish I could just type a bunch of letters on here and hope you can unscramble them into some kind of sense.
It is on those days that I think that must be what it is like when God looks into our hearts. Does He see a clean, pure heart full of love for each other or does He see a heart that is jumbled with mixed emotions. Does He see the forgiveness and nurturing that He equips us with or does He see bitterness and jealousy.
Are there days when He is proud of what He sees and are there days where He wishes He was wearing blinders because He can't understand why we harbour the feelings we do.
If God took a peek in your heart today, what would He find?
.....for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. -- 1 Samuel 16:7