Last week, I had so much going on I think I just dropped into bed every night when I got home. Monday evening, I went to the store and ran some errands after work so it wasn't bad.
Tuesday, I pulled all my Christmas boxes out of the storage area so I could start doing some of my decorating. About all I got done was moving things out of the living room so I would have a place to put the things I wanted to decorate with. Then I stopped for the night.
Wednesday was play practice for the Children's program.

Thursday I had to decorate the set for the program. One section of the stage was a tree lot. This is just the beginning of it, but the tall tree was a fake tree from our storage at church. Check out the 3 little trees in the front. Those are tomato cages with garland wrapped around them. Thank you Pinterest for the idea. I think they turned out just fine.

Friday was the last rehearsal and I had to go back to watch it to see if I needed any more props or to move anything and make changes.

Saturday, I just about wore myself out. My day by me getting up and making 4 dozen cookies. Don't worry, I did the break apart and bake kind. Then at 9:00, I left to go to a movie theater in Knoxville where I attended the Spring Premier for Thirty-One.
Immediately after that, we met up at a local restaurant and had our Thirty-One local group Christmas party and gift exchange.
I hurried home when that was over so I could make the other 2 dozen cookies. We were supposed to take 5-6 dozen. I got those done, wrapped another gift and then headed out at 6:30 to a cookie exchange/gift exchange gathering with some of the women from my church. I didn't get home until almost 10:30.
Sunday, I got up and prepared the craft for Children's church and printed off the lesson. Then headed out to Sunday School and church.
I came home from church, had lunch and started to set out a few of my Christmas decorations and threw in a load of laundry. Then I had to leave so I could be back at the church for choir practice for the adult Christmas program which is next Sunday. After it was over, we had to move the choir chairs back out of the way and I had to finish putting the decor up for the children's program. Since I was already there, I just hung out till the Children's program started.

I got home a little before 8:00 and I didn't do a single thing but eat a bite of supper and lay on the couch till time to go to bed. I am so thankful that I don't have any commitments this week and that the family will be coming over here Friday night to celebrate our December birthdays. Now to get my decorating done tonight so I can enjoy the week.