Nine years ago today, my second grandson was born. He had been trying to arrive for a couple of weeks but the doctors were trying everything to keep labor from coming. He wasn't due for six weeks. But on May 16th, it was out of their hands. He was still a little over a month from his due date when he decided enough was enough and he was ready to face the world. He's been going full steam ahead ever since then.
I just absolutely adored that curly hair he had when he was little. It broke my heart when they gave him his first hair cut.
And sometimes, you can tell by that little mischievous grin on his face that he is about to get into something.
A boy and his dog. Caleb and Spike. He was so proud of his little puppy, but Spike keeps growing as fast as Caleb does.
We are beyond amazed at well he took to being a big brother to Shelby. With 5 years difference in their ages, we thought he might be a little jealous, but he hasn't been. She is almost four and he takes his big brother role very seriously. It is comical at times because she has him wrapped around her finger. He caters to her and watches over her. He cuddles up with her when it storms and makes sure she is taken care of. He is so loving with her. You can tell he will make a great father some day.
He is so proud of his daddy and tries to be just like him. So when Daddy got a motorcycle, Caleb had to have a jacket and a do-rag for himself.
He is our little helper. He is forever wanting to help out with things. He decorates almost the whole tree for his mommy each Christmas. When he is over here, he wants to help cook and even has his own apron. And I can always count on Caleb to run the little Swiffer to pick up the carpet.

His greatest thrill in life will happen today. He is finally old enough to get out of a car seat and to be able to set up front in the car if he wants. It's all he thinks about every time he gets in a vehicle. His mommy had to call "shotgun" for the rest of her life to make sure he doesn't kick her to the back seat!
His daddy drives a Peterbilt and he is semi truck crazy. I can't even count how many semi's Caleb owns in his toy collection. And he can tell you every detail about how one works. He went to a truck show last year and got to set in a brand new Peterbilt. The child was in 7th heaven.
He is such a good kid and I am so proud of him. Happy birthday, Caleb. We love you!