
Facebook Finds

I love looking at the various posting on Facebook. Some are precious, some our profound and some are just down right hilarious. I thought I would post a few for your viewing pleasure.

This was just too cute. 

I love this one. I personally know a lot of Cancer survivors. Many are in my own family. 

So true, so true. Wish more parents understood this.

Oh, yes, please punish me if this is my punishment.

This is profound.

Amen is all I can say to this.

Being a natural brunette, I can relate to this. 

And this was my favorite pic of the week. I really laughed out loud when I read this one. 

Have a great day!

Something to share from Mom

My mom made a couple of new runners. I love when she makes these. The newest ones are beautiful.

It's easy to see where my sister gets her decorating gene.