Our family has a new arrival this weekend. My niece gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She weighed 8 pounds and 14 ounces. This is the first baby in our family since they started ultra sounds that we didn't know what it would be. The mommy didn't want to know so we all were surprised. Which was awesome considering she has two boys and getting surprised with a little girl was awesome.

I didn't do a whole lot this weekend, but I did decide on one new pair of flip flops from Kohls. Our local store had the pair I was looking for. They are super comfortable.
I found some orange nail polish and did my nails with the new theme of one finger sparkly and the rest the base color of orange. It's not perfect, but it is fall looking.
We had homecoming at church Sunday. Tons of good food. The fried chicken was out of this world. Ms. Bonnie K. at church makes the best chocolate cake. The fudge style chocolate icing has peanut butter in it. She makes the whole thing from scratch. It is super moist. I kept debating all week whether it would be wrong of me to call and ask her to bring that cake for the homecoming. I chickened out and never called. When I went in the dessert room, there sat the cake! I was thrilled. When everyone was getting done eating Ms. Bonnie came up to ask me if I had gotten any cake. She said "I made it especially for you. Get you a to go box and take the rest of it home with you." There were about 6 pieces and I brought them to work to share today. I may have to have a piece for breakfast in a few minutes. It is delicious.

It was a very relaxing weekend.