I have some special people I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to today.
Happy Father's Day to my Daddy. He has been gone 13 years and I miss him dearly. I have so many happy memories that I could right my blog everyday for a month about Daddy and never cover it all. He was loving, kind, gentle, funny, friendly, smart, handsome...I could go on and on. Suffice it to say that this is one little girl who loved her Daddy with ever beat of her heart. Happy Father's Day, Daddy.

Happy Father's Day to my dear Hubby. He has been a wonderful, loving Father to our children. He has been the quiet, strong soul behind the family for thirty one years and loves our children very much. He is working some strange hours these past few month so it has made it hard to plan any type of get-together, but he still loves his family.
Happy Father's Day to my precious son. He is a great dad and loves his family very much. With three little ones, he is always on the go and loves to spend time with his children. Hope you have a great Father's Day, Chris.

Happy Father's Day to my son-in-law. Another wonderful father who loves his family very much. He is also very active and on the go. But he loves those quiet times when he can be home with his children piled up on his lap. Have a great Father's Day, Michael.

Four fantastic Fathers. Four great men. Happy Father's Day to each of you.