Two times a year I get a little depressed over clothing. Once at Easter and once at swimsuit time. Well, time for my first bout of depression. I want to look fashionable for Easter. It's a yearly thing. I want the Easters of my late teen and early mom years when I could still wear size 3 and my spiked heels were higher than my dress size.
I want the cute dresses that will accentuate my waistline and flair out over my hips. Who are we kidding, I would be happy just to HAVE a waistline nowadays.
Instead, each year, I try to find outfits with full skirts or dress pants that can be paired with a cute top. I did see some tops I liked at Kohl's.
I also liked this one. Either one would look cute with white pants and white shoes.
Of course, I don't go with the big heels any more. I would need to find something in a white sandal low heel look. I really like the look of these.
Then of course, I have the dilemma of wanting a new white purse for spring. I have wanted one for about three years, but never can find anything I like. I do like the looks of this one. Just pretty sure the price would scare me to death.
With our crazy weather and with Easter being earlier than normal this year, I have let it slip up on me. I haven't had time for much of a panic attack over the "what will I wear for Easter" dilemma. But I have still have a little over a week to worry about it. In the meantime, spring is officially here. That means that no matter how cold it gets, I will not wear my winter boots any more. It is time to get out the flip flops and get them ready to wear on those warmer days that are surely coming at any minute.