I am going to take the day off today to start the holiday weekend. I haven't had a four day weekend in a long time and I am really looking forward to it. I'm not sure what all I'm going to do with four full days, but I know I am going to enjoy it and try to get some relaxation in.
I would like to spend some time just laying out in the sun and reading a good book. I need to buy me a new chair for the back yard so I can do that. I may run and get one today.
I know I will be going to church on Sunday. We always do a special service on Memorial Day to honor our veterans and many of our members who still have their military uniforms wear them that day.

Monday is always a shopping day with my daughter and her mother-in-law. We are going to Tanger Outlet Mall this year. One stop I will make will be the Donna Sharp Outlet. I am in the mood for one of their purses but can't decide what pattern or style I want. I am really liking this pattern for summer.
Hubby gets his work schedule today so I have to wait and see what he works before we decide what we will be doing for the weekend. I am hoping he is off Sunday so we can go somewhere after church and then cookout for supper that night.
We live within 5 minutes of the Smokies Baseball Stadium. They are always having fireworks displays on the holidays. We can here them really good and when we set on the front porch, we can see them over the tree tops. So I'm sure we will be enjoying fireworks over the weekend.
All in all, it should be a pretty good weekend. I miss not having the family here for the holiday, but my son and his family spend time at the lake for the weekend and my daughter and her family normally have cookouts and fireworks at her brother-in-laws sometime over the weekend. So it will just be me and hubby. I am going to try to make a Butterfinger cake for the weekend. My daughter-in-law gave me the recipe but I haven't had a chance to make it yet.
I hope each and everyone of you have a relaxing, fun-filled holiday weekend.