My car is one of those odd shades that nobody knows what to call it. The official color is called bronze, but it doesn't look anything like any bronze I've ever seen. Some friends think it is a coppery brown. I have never been able to figure it out.
Right now...It is yellow. You guessed it, I have been pollinated. I am so over the yellow stuff all over everything. It was beautiful Sunday and I decided to eat lunch out on my patio. Well, first the chairs were dusty so I was going to have to wipe them down good before I dared sit in one. Next, the glass table top was a layer of yellow so it was going to have to be washed and dried (probably more than once) before I would even consider eating on it. I went to open the umbrella and just touched the tab to unfold it got pollen on my hands.
But when the white fluffy stuff started flying by from the poplar trees, I gave up. By the time I would have gotten everything clean enough to go out their, the sun would have been down and I would have been famished.
Not to mention the yellow I clean off would be replaced with poplar fluff. I give up. I'll eat outside in July.