Hooking up for Friday Foto Friends.
I clicked on my blogger photo button and saw a button "Photos from your Camera". I have never used that and wondered how it would work. Here are a few that popped up from several winters ago and they sparkle with lights and snow. Now granted when I took these pics the lights were on on the tree and the snow was falling on the ground. However, they were still life photos so I'm not sure how Blogger added the movement. I will be curious to know if the lights twinkle and snow falls when you see them or is it just my computer. Please comment and let me know.
I been looking at artificial trees and trying to decide what to get. The last real tree I had was two Christmas's ago. And seeing this picture pop up of it, I am now rethinking that I may want another real tree. I'll just have to wait and see. But this was one of the more beautiful trees we had ever had.
I always take a picture in the dark of our tree every year with just the lights on when I first get up on Christmas morning. I love the way it looks in the dark.
This was several winters ago when we had our first snow of the year. It was snowing when I took the pictures so I guess whatever blogger does with the photos activated the snow moving instead of just a still life photo.
Thanks Ms. Debbie for letting me hook up with Friday Foto Friends.