Welcome to Faith Filled Friday. I used to write something every Friday about God's goodness and mercy. I want to start that back up again. I came across an article I wrote in 2008. It applies today as much as it did then if not more so. We need to find the beauty and peace around us that God provides. I hope you enjoy.
“This is the day which
the LORD hath made; we will rejoice
and be glad in it.” – Psalms 118:24
I never
understood that verse as well as I did one sunny April day. The sky was clear.
The temperature had climbed to a warm 80_. Being early spring, there was no
humidity or heat index to cause that stifling heat of summer.
I gathered my
book, sunglasses and a cold orange Crush and made my way to my favorite lounge
chair on the back patio. As I sat and contemplated the world around me, I began
to notice the beauty I was among. I could see God’s hand everywhere.
It was in the
cool shade and dripping branches of my weeping willow tree. It was gliding
across the still surface of the French Broad River. I started to notice the
little things that we all take for granted. I saw the splashes of color
lovingly painted with each gentle stroke of the Master’s brush. I could see His
touch in the vibrant yellow’s of the dandelions and buttercups standing as
soldiers among the sweet green grass of spring.

It was there in
the brilliant blue of the baby bluebirds as they tested their wings and perched
on the old wood fence. I watched as the multicolored butterflies flitted across
the yard to the sweet, soft calls of the chickadees, cardinals and robins.

I watched as a
bounty of birds lazily glided across the sky, perching on one tree and then
another as if they, too, were taking a moment to enjoy God’s beauty. In the
complete stillness between their sweet songs, it’s as if you can hear God’s voice
whisper on the wind, saying “Be still and know that I am God.” (Ps.46:10). I remember that day so well. I went in the houses that night and made me this little sign and did this little arrangement. I still have it all today. I can just look at it and it brings me peace.

I'm hooking up with Friday Foto Friends at Breathing in Grace.
I'm hooking up with Friday Foto Friends at Breathing in Grace.