I was thinking last night about the toys that were favorites in my family when we were growing up. With one sister and two brothers, we had a lot of favorites. As I was thinking, I noticed many of the things that we loved are still favorites today, while others have fallen by the wayside. Here are just some of the things I remember:
Baby dolls
Matchbox cars
Little green Army men
Cowboy guns and holsters
Potato Head
Silly Putty
Jump ropes
Chinese Jump Ropes
Tinker Toys
Lincoln Logs
And the list could go on from there. I remember my kids playing with many of the same toys and now I'm buying some of these items for my
grandkids. My children grew up in the age of Hello Kitty,
CareBears, My
Little Pony,
WWF Wrestlers, Hot Wheels, He Man and
Skeletor, Transformers and
GoBots, Strawberry Shortcake and Smurfs.
Just stop sometime and think about the favorite toys you had and what joy they brought to you. I can still sit out on the patio on a sunny day and play jacks. I'm still good at it to. I can go all the way to my "
tensies" without missing any. The only thing that has changed is somebody better be standing by to help me get UP off the patio when I'm done. Oh the joys of getting old.