It's time for another Top 10 list. There is no rhyme or reason to my top 10 this week. It's just 10 random things that are on my mind.
1. I am planning a yard sale. As I go through the house gathering things, I realized that I have some Pyrex I wish I had not traded for. So I'm going to put some in my yard sale in hopes of selling it. I have done good selling Pyrex in yard sales before. Especially if you put PYREX in your add. Then I want to take what I make from that and go hunting for some more mixing bowls.
2. Speaking of yard sales, I am getting in the mood to go to some. They are starting to pop up on the weekends around here now. One thing I am putting on my wish list this year is vintage aprons.
3. I got a new tablecloth the other day. I didn't find the yellow and white checked I wanted, but I did find one with light blue and yellow. I am very happy with it. I was also very happy with how my chocolate cake and my cinnamon sugar mini muffins turned out for Easter.

4. I found a new drink that I am fast becoming addicted to. Cran-Lemonade by Ocean Spray. It is SO good. It has a little bit of a tangy kick to it. I can't get enough of it....which is probably better than drinking so much Pepsi.

5. A friend of mine ordered some of the Thirty-One Oh Snap! Pockets to hang on her wall to help organize her Plexus business. The result was adorable.

6. I have been accumulated some of the Thirty-One fabric swatches in my business and needed to find something to do with them. There are a ton of ideas on Pinterest. I really like this one and may work on it tonight.
7. These are super cute and super easy so I may make some of them as well.
8. I am reading a new book series by Lily Everett. The series takes place on Sanctuary Island, which is the name of the first book in the series. These are not new books apparently because I found some of the series at McKay's used book store. Hoping to find the rest so I can read the entire series.
9. I haven't done any crafting in a long time. I need to get back to doing my plastic canvas coasters. I had some beautiful yarn and some cute patterns. I just need to make myself do them. It only takes an hour per coaster and I memorize my favorite patterns so I can do them while watching TV in the evening. This is one of my favorites to do with variegated yarn. Each coaster turns out different and I never have to stop and change yarn colors. It just works its magic.
10. A friend of mine shared this idea with me on Pinterest for flip flops. Looks great. I just need an extra closet shelf to do it with.

Well, there are my Top 10 thoughts for today. Hope you have a great Tuesday.