Finally Friday. I'm free again.
Got my motor running for a wild weekend - George Jones
Well, maybe not a wild weekend, but certainly a busy weekend. I have been up since a little before 5:00 this morning. I couldn't sleep because of the excitement. Hubby has been working mostly nights for the past three weeks and on his days off I've had appointments scheduled with clients and couldn't take off. But not today. We are both taking the day off today and having a mini "day"cation. We are heading into Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountains to play tourist. We don't have a clue where we are going or what we will do, but as long as we get out and go, I'll be happy.
Then this evening hubby is going to help me do some things on my list to get ready for tomorrow.
Tomorrow promises to be a hectic day. I am having an open house for my Thirty-One business. It is a last minute thing so I may not have much of a crowd, but we'll have some good food anyway. I have about four or five so far that might try to stop by. If you are in the area and want to stop by, leave me a comment with your email or send me an email to and I'll give you the directions. The open house is from 11 am - 1 pm in Kodak, TN. The summer retirement list is out and it is six pages long. So if there is something you have been putting off buying, you might want to stop by or drop me an email to see the retirement list for a "last chance" to complete a set. I have to figure out how to display everything for tomorrow. I use most of my bags so having an open house means I have to find a place to put "my stuff" so people can check out all the nice bags Thirty-One has.
After the open house, my daughter has to run a few errands and she wants me to ride with her. Then after that we have to be at a local pizza place for Shelby's 4th birthday party. I'm not sure what theme she went with. Shelby has been tossing back and forth between wanting a La La Loopsy party or a fashion show. Not sure if Shelby thinks she is 4 or 14. Of course, maybe she should just cover all the bases and have a La La Loopsy Fashion Show.
Can't wait for the party. That means I get to be with all five of my grandchildren. It's always fun to spend time with them in the game room after the pizza party. I hope to get some good pictures tomorrow night of each of them so I can do an update grouping. This one is about 8 months old and they are all growing up too fast.
Then on Sunday, we are starting our new bible study of Jesus Loves Me with the Pre-K in our class. Ms. Stephanie will be bringing some of her delicious cupcakes for class. I'll try to remember to get picks. She is so talented. She needs to open a bakery. Here are some she made for her Thirty-One party.

I have to run to Walmart to pick up a few things on Sunday afternoon and then back to church that night.
In light of all I have planned for the weekend, you would think I would have slept in this morning while I could. But once I get energized, I can go, go, go. Of course, Sunday night will find me crashed out on the couch well before bed time.