It has been a crazy weekend. Colby and I went out to eat and do a little shopping for his birthday. We had an awesome time.

After shopping and supper, I surprised him with a trip to the arcade. He was bouncing with excitement.

Saturday I did a little shopping and scored this beautiful sweater for just $14.00 at J.C. Penny. I have been looking at it a couple of weeks, but didn't want to pay $30 for a sweater. Couldn't believe they had it on sale.
I wanted a new long necklace with gold chain loops. Icing was having a sale so I went there to check out what they had. Nothing. I was very disappointed. The sales lady asked me if she could help so I told her what I was looking for. She said "Hang on. I have a basket of chains we are going to put on the clearance rack today and I think I have what you want." When she came back with this and told me it was $13.99 but the clearance price was $2.00, I decided it was exactly what I wanted. I got a lot of complements on it at church yesterday.
Saturday night, I met up with a friend of mine and her daughter and we put together 100 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We tried to arrange them as a "Christmas tree" shape. Not too bad for trying to make a round object with rectangles.
Sunday afternoon was Colby's family birthday party. We had a great time. He got some neat gifts and was beyond excited.
After the party, I went to AT & T to upgrade my phone. The customer service was awful. The girl was so negative and argumentative. She kept pushing me to a phone like hers which was way bigger than what I wanted. I kept leaning toward a Samsung Galaxy Alpha. I kept asking her questions because I had never heard of this phone. She was very vague with her answers and kept pushing me toward a bigger phone, which I did not want. Finally, I asked her if this phone was obsolete because I had never heard of it. Turns out it was just released to the stores last Friday and they didn't have any in stock. Well, sorry, but I want what I want. Not what she wanted me to have. So I came home and ordered it online. It is shipping overnight today with free shipping.
Like I said, it was a busy weekend. When I came home last night, I did some laundry and ate supper. I never did get around to decorating for fall. Oh well, maybe tonight.