We have a wide variety of desserts for Thanksgiving. There is plenty to choose from, plenty to send home with the kids, and plenty of leftovers for the weekend. Hubby makes the pies and I make the rest. (These pics are from last year). I always make a Duncan Hines Swiss chocolate cake with my Mamaw Eden's homemade chocolate icing recipe. It's a big hit.
And I wouldn't dare have a holiday without making the chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies that have been in my family for generations. My son usually gets a bunch of these to take hunting with him the next day.
I make brownies but make them as cookies so they are easy for a grab and go snack.
That is all completed on Wednesday evening after I get home from work or first thing Thursday before hubby puts the turkey on. But every Thanksgiving, right after I run out and get the paper, I make the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls for breakfast with a cup of ice cold milk. It is my favorite way to start the day. I am funny, I won't touch the dessert before the family arrives.
I sample a little bit of everything on my dessert plate after dinner. But then when the day is done, I have a snack with a piece of graham cracker pie as I look over the Black Friday ads one last time.
Then Friday morning, I get up at 4:00 and have me a few of the cookies with a cup of cold milk before I start my day. Don't judge me too harshly ... they do contain oats and I am drinking milk so I just consider it my bowl of oatmeal before starting my busy day.

Well, that has all made me hungry. Have a great day.