I love to go to antique stores and thrift stores. Hubby will go with me occasionally, but I can tell he's not really "into" it. Until yesterday. Thursday he stumbled across an Amish website that sold vintage glass milk bottles. He fell in love with them. So I mentioned that a couple of the antique stores I go to have milk bottles and I mentioned seeing them sometimes in thrift stores. Well, that was it. We spent the whole day "window" shopping around local antique stores and thrift stores.
He hasn't purchased anything yet because he is getting the lay of the land so to speak. He is one of those patient people who will scour the stores and compare prices before he starts collecting. I am so happy that he is starting his own collection of something....as long as he doesn't invade my Pyrex space!
His ultimate dream is to find a gallon jug with red handle by Borden with Elsie the cow on it. Since there was a lot of Borden where we grew up, I'll have to have my sister keep her eyes open as well.
Of course, helping him find his bottles may just have an ulterior motive behind it. Since that will just add to the vintage feel of the kitchen, I can now break the news to him that I want a vintage braided rug to go under the kitchen table.
Normally anything I want to change around the house is up to me and he is always fine with it. But I have insisted on three different occasions that I just HAVE to have a rug under the table. I drag him from shop to shop for month after month to find the right rug at the right price. Keep in mind my table is farmhouse style that seats 8 so I have to have a big rug. I have done this several times and every time I decide after 6 months or so that I don't like it and get rid of it. BUT in my defense, I have always wanted a braided one and have settled for whatever else I found. So this time I will hold out to get what I want.
On another note, it has been a good week on Facebook. Here are my favorite Facebook posts from this week. This was one of my favorite photos of the week. So true, so true. When I saw it, I thought of Ms. Linda over at Coastal Charm. I think she would totally enjoy this pillow.
And I really had to chuckle over this one. It sounds like something my dear friend Wendell would say over at Everyday Ruralty. I'm sure Ms. Patrice will share this with him.
This one is for Ms. Debbie over at Jeremiah-2911. I know she will absolutely love it.
This one is for all my Southern friends. I know you will agree with it. I sure do.
This is a picture from Myrtle Beach on Thursday. They hit 70 degrees. Oh, to be walking on that warm beach right now would be divine.
This is about motherhood, but it also applies to those of us who work from home. I am in my flannel pj's until around 10:00. Then I "get dressed" in a sweatsuit. But in my defense, I work better when I am comfortable and nobody can say sweats or jammies are uncomfortable.
If you have ever owned a cat, known a cat or experienced life with a cat this is SO true!
Thanks to John Robert Saunders for sharing this photo of Gatlinburg this week. The mountains are beautiful with the lingering snow.
My friend Janie pastes a very inspirational Good Morning photo every day on Facebook. This was a favorite of mine this week.