It was a beautiful weekend. You could not ask for better weather. I picked up my daughter Saturday morning to head out to do some shopping. Her neighborhood is full of dogwood trees and they are looking beautiful.
We headed out for the great flip flop search. I did not find the solid black like I was looking for so I will have to keep looking. But I did find these black and white ones at Sears for 40% off making them $9.60. I love multi-strap shoes so I bought them. I used my Kmart rewards to gather points.
Then I ventured to the clothing department. I absolutely fell in love with this top. It is so comfortable and I'm a sucker for paisley print. It was just $12.99 so I decided to get it. When I went to pay, the lady used my Kmart Rewards card again and said "You have $5.00 available do you want to use it?" Of course I said yes so I got my shirt for just $7.99. Love a surprise bargain.
I was looking for ice trays and stumbled on these plates in blue dots. It was love at first sight.
I looked around and found the service for four set and just fell in love with them. But I didn't buy them. We have a set of matching platters, a set of mismatched platters, a service for 8 in green ironstone and a service for 12 in fine china. I knew I didn't need another set of dishes. But oh if I did, this is what I would get.
We had moved some furniture around in the bedroom and I have been trying to decide what to put on this little stand. When I got home Saturday, hubby had fixed this display before he went to work. I liked it so I am leaving it here. It goes great with the decor in my bedroom.
Saturday night, I went to our church's Young at Heart gathering. We grilled out hotdogs and hamburgers. There was potato salad, baked beans, macaroni salad, chili, cole slaw and all the fixings for a great burger. I had the hotdog, baked beans and potato salad. It was delicious. There was a dessert table fit for a king. I had lemon pound cake and something that was pudding, Oreo, whipped cream and Heath bar chips. Everything was awesome.
I talk about my church a lot. Earlier that day, I had to get a picture for the cover of the new church directory so I swung by on my way home from shopping and my daughter took this for me.
I mentioned wanting the new Corelle dishes above. Hubby reacted like I knew he would. He laughed at me and said where in the world will you put them. He's right. My cabinets are crammed to the max. He joked with me and said I could always get rid of my vintage peanut butter glasses. I was appalled! They are vintage! Boscul peanut butter glasses from the 1950's! A set of 12 of their flower patterns! Was he crazy? I thought he was until I asked one of my FB antique experts what they were worth. I bought them for $6.00 for the whole set at a yard sale. I sent him pictures of each glass and he looked them up for me. Their appraised valued for the set is.....$583.00! He said if I sold them as a set I could probably get around $300 or more for the set. I am going to put the word out for $250 and try to sell them. I don't use them. We will see what happens. If they sell, I will definitely have more cabinet space. Here is what they look like in my cabinet. They are pretty and I will have a hard time parting with them.

How was your weekend?