Saturday started out with thunder and heavy rains. But I had a trip to A.C. Moore planned and nothing gets in the way of that, so I headed out armed with a 40% off one item coupon, a 50% off one item coupon and a sale paper full of good deals. I got all of this below for $7.00. Considering the yarn is normally $3.00, $7 wasn't a bad price for everything. You just need to make sure you tell them which item you want your 40% and 50% off on or they will give you the discount on the cheapest item. I got enough stuff here for 5 projects I am working on.
Some of the projects are for me and some are for Sunday School class. These items were for our kindergarten class at Sunday School yesterday.
They made these little snowmen cups. His smile is a little crooked but he turned out cute. We filled him full of popcorn at snack time.
I headed from there over to Bed, Bath and Beyond just to start getting ideas for spring. I love my bedroom decor, but it is very wintery with deep brick reds, blues and creams. I am toying with the idea of sprucing it up come spring with a new coat of paint and some lighter colors. I didn't have a clue what color I wanted until I saw this pillow. I fell in love with it.
Here is the quilted bedspread that goes with it. I would love to have this with my walls just painted a clean white.
I change tablecloths with the seasons. I am tired of my spring tablecloth because I have used it for 3 or 4 years. I decided to just take a look to see what they might have and get ideas of what to do for my tablecloth in spring. I want to incorporate these colors to go with my new Pyrex Shenandoah bowls. I love this green and soft buttery yellow.
I was just looking because I have a large table and need the 120" tablecloth for it to hang over enough on the ends to look right. Which means, I usually find the ones I like for over $35. That's why I've used the same one for over 3 years. I was done looking at the tablecloths on the wall and turned around and this one caught my eye. Talk about going good together with my Pyrex. It was $34.99 so I was thinking I would come back and get it before spring. Till I saw a discount sticker for $14.99 and one on top of that one for $8.99. There was no way I was leaving it there when I saw the price. Now I can't wait for spring so I can spruce up my table.
I have no choice but to wait for spring since hubby is working a puzzle on the other end of the table right now. It's funny but the grain in the lake home in the puzzle is the same grain as my table. Lots of the puzzle pieces that are for the wood on the house blend into the table perfectly. Makes it a little difficult at times to find the right piece. I try to help but my eyes go blurry after awhile.
After I came home from shopping, I wanted peanut butter cookies but was feeling too lazy to roll them in balls and smoosh them with a fork. So I mixed the cookie dough and put it in a little baking pan and baked them like a cookie bar. The result was a shortbread style peanut butter cookie. They are good and chewy so I may make them like this more often.
Sunday I went to church and then came home and fried some bacon and baked a few potatoes. Then I put it all together in a baking dish and covered it with cheese. I fixed some scrambled eggs to go with it. It was a great meal for a Sunday afternoon. Then I just vegged out and relaxed for awhile.

All in all, it was a great weekend.