I have been blessed my entire life by having a spirit of joy and finding pleasures in the small things. Today is a celebration of my life. My special day. I turn 58 today and I am excited about it. I believe birthdays are magical days...no matter how old you are. I have had a life of love and family that have meant the world to me. Those moments of magic to remember over the years.
I was a curly haired little girl who loved and worshiped her Daddy. This is one of my favorite pictures of us together when I was 2.

I went through a stage where I wore nothing but dresses and saddle oxfords. I loved my dresses. Now that is something you will rarely see me wear unless it is a very special occasion.

I grew up with an older sister and two younger brothers who mean the world to me. We have always been close and still are today. Mom and Dad showered us with love and we never knew there was any other way to be in life except happy. We didn't have a lot of money, but we didn't know that because Mom made everything so special for us. She and Daddy gave us plenty of wonderful memories.

We had a hoard of cousins and got to see them all the time. It made for some awesome fun and lots of giggles and girl time.

One of my fondest memories is when my Uncle Charlie took me to Sears to sit on Santa's lap. I don't remember my siblings going so I am not sure if they did. I don't recall pictures like this of them. I wonder if he may have taken me for my birthday this year? But I do remember having so much fun that night. Check out the corsage on my coat. We ALWAYS got a new corsage to wear at Christmas.

I remember clothes hanging out on the line and all those years with the inflatable pools. So many sweet summertime memories.
I went through the nerdy stage with the cat eye glasses when I was in 4th grade. Here I am sporting one of my favorite shirts Mom made me. I guess red has always been my favorite color.

When I grew up, I married my wonderful hubby and have had over 33 years of being spoiled. Oh how I love this man of mine.

Nothing ever made me feel as blessed as God trusting me with a set of beautiful twins. I always said I wanted a boy and a girl and that is exactly what I got...all at once. Since they were born 3 days before my 21st birthday, I would have to say this was the best birthday present I ever got.

Just when I thought my life couldn't be any fuller, the grandbabies started coming along. I have three very handsome grandsons....

And two beautiful granddaughters.

I am trying to grow old gracefully like my Mom has. She is one of my inspirations and one of my best friends. To this day, when something happens in my life...good or bad....I call Mom and discuss it with her. At 84, she is still going strong. She still loves to craft and read.

So this may seem like a conceited post to some, but it isn't. I am just so truly, wonderfully appreciative of every moment of the life God gave me. So I usually take this day to celebrate my birthday. I'm just a big kid at heart and I think it is okay to be happy to be another year older.

Hubby outdid himself for my birthday this year. We finally got a HDTV and one of those electric fireplaces I have been wanting for several years. Thank you, Allen, for always making me feel so special.