I was on Facebook Saturday morning around 5:30 a.m. As I was scrolling through the updates, my chat box popped open. It was my nephew who is currently in the USMC. He is stationed in Afghanistan and I haven't heard from him in months.

I was beyond thrilled to have that quiet time in the early hours to just sit and chat with him. He was able to be on and off with me for close to an hour and a half. He was such an adorable little boy.

Why do they grow up so fast? He has grown into a fine young man that the whole family is very proud of.

At one point, I was able to get my Mom on the phone and she was able to tell me what to say to him from her. He would give me answers back to let her know.

(Jake at Mom's house one Christmas. He's on the left)
It is beyond my comprehension that through the marvels of modern technology we are able to hear from our loved ones who are continents away as if they are just in the next room.

It was an awesome experience and just totally made my day. Mom was over the moon to get to "hear" from him. I asked if he needed anything and in true family tradition he wants some Doritos and Funyuns. Guess I'll be putting together a care package this week.