I had a very uneventful, restful weekend. We had our VBS family night on Friday, which lasted about an hour so I hurried home so I could have an early night and some much needed rest.

Saturday, I just went to Walmart and to Kroger. I picked up some white Art Deco nail paint for a dollar. I decided I wanted to try to do my nails with one of them on each hand polka dotted. It was easy to do even though next time I will make the dots smaller. But not bad for my first try. The rest of the night, I just vegged out on the couch and watched TV, which is very rare for me. I usually am reading or crafting or something.

Sunday I went to Sunday School and church. Then came home and did a couple of hours of work and then took about an hour and a half nap. Then made hamburgers and onion rings for supper. After that, I spent a little while catching up on Facebook. I loved this post of the Ritter Park Rose Garden in Huntington, WV. I have so many fond memories of having family and church picnics in the park. We loved walking through the park and going to the Rose Garden. It was always beautiful.

After that, I just headed to the couch and relaxed until bedtime. Time for another week. Hope it is not as crazy as the last one